As a mature student studying for my BA Art History degree, I rediscovered the New York Abstract Expressionist movement and I was hooked!

I relate to the vibrancy, the innovative approach and the ground-breaking works of these artists.

These works have influenced my style of painting – colourful splashes that have many interpretations – for me they convey joy, lightness and hope – energies that may be experienced by the viewer.

My background is in interior design, working with beautiful fabrics and creating exciting colour schemes for clients.

In complete contrast my partner and I moved to Mallorca to start a small country house Bed and Breakfast. While caring for the needs of happy holiday makers I still found time to paint, gaining inspiration from the light and beauty of the Mallorcan countryside and coast. The hotel also gave me the opportunity to showcase my work and the guests loved it!

We had a great time there, but after 18 years we felt it was time to return to the UK. I am now living on the south coast on the edge of The New Forest.

At last I  feel that I have the time to devote to my art, exploring and developing new ideas.

I am happy to accept commissions. Just give me an idea of colours and we can go from there.